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Image by Geetanjal Khanna

Changing the World of Giving

American, European and Asian traditional and religious values have always included contributing to those less fortunate. Contributing to, and supporting, worthy causes makes people feel good. Fundraising however often emphasizes “whale hunting”, looking for wealthy people or groups that are able to make large contribution. This limits target donor population and excludes the general public.
Our approach is very different. We want everyone to contribute a just a little, regularly and for a long time. We are not looking for contributions, we seek to long term giving relationships. Spare change has long been associated with making small contributions. We simply adapted this concept of giving spare change to the world today. Digital spare change is the difference between a credit or debit card purchase and the next whole dollar amount. The transaction is simply rounded up to the next whole dollar. The challenge is to create a simple easy mechanism that enables this predictable behavior in a painless and sustained manner. 
Spare Change Digital’s  “one click to contribution” technology makes our process the fastest and easiest available today. Because we are only asking for “ digital spare change” the contribution amount never reaches a dollar. Every enrolled credit or debit card transaction is rounded up to the next whole dollar every day. The financial power of the way people behave is the driver, tens of thousands of daily micro-contributions. This makes people feel goods at a tiny personal cost while raising huge sums of money.


1 person contributing 50₵ a day generates $182.50 in a year! Do the math for your organization.

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